Gville Flyers

FLY With us

Safety, affordability, camaraderie, and fun



Gville Flyers is a non-profit flying club based at Gainesville Regional Airport (KGNV) in Gainesville, FL. Our mission is to build a community where people become safer pilots, fly more economically, make lasting friendships, and share their passion for flying.

join US

Become a part of our growing aviation community.


Gville Flyers was established in late 2016 with five founding members. We acquired our first airplane soon after, a 1972 Cessna Cardinal 177B. Since then, we’ve upgraded the avionics, grown to seven members, and are poised for further growth.

We think conditions are ripe to build a thriving club with multiple airplanes to suit different missions. We are open to exploring different ways to make this happen. It could mean purchasing another plane, or it could mean leasing an aircraft from a pilot who wants to become part of our community.

Our current members come from different walks of life and have a range of flying experiences and ambitions. Members range from relatively new private pilots who fly on good-weather days to former and future military and professional pilots who use the plane to travel and don’t mind popping into clouds.

We are lucky to have five certificated flight instructors (CFIs) in our ranks. We do not provide primary training, but club members are welcome to use the plane for advanced ratings and certificates, and having an experienced cadre of CFIs is a great thing even for those hops to a favorite breakfast fly-in.


OUR values




The foundation of our club is a strong social contract of mutual obligation to one another. This contract includes a commitment to maintain our fleet to the highest standards of safety and to strive for professionalism even in recreational flying. One advantage of a flying club, as opposed to renting or owning on your own, is that we have a built in group of pilots to fly with and learn from.



One of the biggest challenges facing general aviation is cost. Flying clubs are a great solution because they spread the costs of owning and operating an aircraft among members. By pooling our resources, we are able to do things we could not do alone. And because we are a non-profit organization, we are able to operate our aircraft at the lowest possible rate.



All good things in life are better when you share them with others, and flying is no exception. Gville Flyers is a place to form lasting friendships, learn from one another, and share the responsibility and satisfaction of running a common enterprise. We think that being part of a community and participating in shared activities adds unique value to the joy of flying.